How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Urine?
If you are looking for how long cocaine stays in your system you are in the right place. Journey Hillside Tarzana has worked with hundreds of individuals to overcome their addiction and conquer their substance abuse. Continue reading to learn…

How Long Does Fentanyl Stay in Urine?
Addiction, Blog, NewsAs a synthetic drug known for its extreme potency, fentanyl has both legitimate and illicit uses. When ingested, fentanyl can produce a range of powerful effects, including pain relief, sedation, euphoria, and relaxation. However, its high potency…

What Are The Most Addictive Prescription Drugs?
Addiction, NewsPrescription drug addiction affects millions of all backgrounds, ages, and circumstances. Despite their legitimate medical uses, some prescription drugs also have a high potential for abuse and addiction. Understanding which drugs are most addictive…

How Do You Detox From Fentanyl? A Comprehensive Guide
Addiction, NewsFentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that’s both highly addictive and extremely dangerous. More powerful than morphine and heroin, the addictive nature of this opioid makes detoxification a challenging step in the recovery process. However,…

Where Do People Get Fentanyl?
Addiction, NewsFentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, is one of the most addictive and dangerous drugs sold on the streets. More powerful than heroin and morphine, it’s highly effective for pain management in a medical setting—but also incredibly risky…

How Much Fentanyl Does It Take To Overdose?
Addiction, NewsFentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, is an extremely dangerous drug with a high risk of overdose. Understanding the dangers of fentanyl and recognizing the signs of overdose could help you save a life — including your own.
This guide…

Kentucky DUI Laws
Addiction, Blog, NewsDriving under the influence (DUI) in Kentucky is a serious offense with major consequences. Beyond getting you into serious legal trouble, driving under the influence also points to underlying issues with substance abuse and the need for professional…

Can Alcohol Withdrawal Cause Death?
Addiction, Alcoholism, Blog, NewsOnce you realize the need to quit drinking, you will probably find yourself facing some challenges. One of the hardest barriers to overcome is the anxiety you feel going through the withdrawal process. You may even wonder, “Can alcohol withdrawal…

How Does Alcohol Affect the Liver
Addiction, Alcoholism, Blog, NewsAlcohol is a toxic substance that when abused can cause multiple health conditions. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is linked with increased heart disease, cancer, and brain damage, but how does alcohol affect the liver?
The liver is an essential…